Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Emotions & Zombies

It's crazy how one missed workout turns into two, then five, and then a whole month goes by and you realize you haven't made it to the gym at all like you had planned. Last year I pretty much lived at the gym (or so it felt) and then for whatever reason I just stopped. Fast forward to our first pregnancy loss in January and I became an emotional mess and fell back into old ways. Eating whatever I want and not working out doesn't do so well for me. Between that first loss and the second one I gained 17 pounds. Holy. Shit. I had worked so hard to get those pounds off so how could I just let them come back so easily? At that point I had made up my mind that I was going to be more mindful of what I ate and start going back to the gym regularly. I was all set to do so and then we got a positive pregnancy test. A little over a week later we went through our second loss this year, now here we are almost a month since our loss and I've gained 3 more pounds. It's safe to say that I'm an emotional eater. I always have been. But here, today, I'm putting a stop to it.

Which brings me to my next topic: Zombies.

 The other day I came across the Running Dead 5k race. It sounds crazy fun, I mean who doesn't want to be chased by Zombies?  The husband is just as excited about it as I am. He has even mentioned dressing up like the guy from Shaun of the Dead. We will literally be running like our lives depend on it and I will be damned if those Zombies are going to catch me.

Unfortunately that means I only have a month to get back into the best shape I possibly can. My plan is to go to the gym at least 4 times a week, possibly more if I can fit it in, not to mention my fun walks with a sweet friend (Hi Priscilla!). I also plan to cut out all of the crap from my diet, at least as much as possible.

The bottom line is I'm about to make what's left of this year my bitch. No more emotional eating. No more feeling sorry for myself because of what we've been through this year. It's time for me to get back on track and that's exactly what I'm going to do. Just wait and see.



  1. I'm so proud of you, Sasha. You've had a rough year. I know you can do this. The 5k sounds like so much fun. I know you'll kick it's ass.

  2. So, I take it no Peter Piper anytime soon? :)

    In all seriousness though, after the year you've been dealt, you've got a great attitude going forward! I'm excited about the 5k -- you guys get to be chased by zombies and I get to hang with your two cute kiddos. I still say the next time we meet up for a walk, we RUN! :)
